måndag 15 december 2008

Sell your "Recipe for nature experiences"

To offer your recipe for nature experience for money involves selling. If you are not used to sell products or services, start by thinking that you are offering something your potential customers want. But then, you need to find out what they want. 

Good dealers focused on meeting the need of the customer and build long-term relationships. In order to understand the customer needs to ask leading questions, listen more than talk and think about whether your offer really solve your customer´s needs or not. Timing is important. Does your offer fit into what the customer wants to do right now?

As you know, it is easiest to sell to existing customers. They know you. You know how they think. You can help them. It feels good to offer them something new and exciting. If you get paid, you get a clear indication their engagement and more resources to educate yourself on the subject. You become a magnet for more assignments.

A useful model for all sales is the SPIN method, developed by Neil Rackham. SPIN stands for Situation-Problem-Implications-Need-pay off. Rackham mean that you first must understand the customer's situation, the problems they face and the consequences of the problem (Implications). When you are clear about this comes the question: "would it be interesting to address the implications of your problem with X (your offer)." 

In practice, it is about spending time to really understanding your customer's situation, problems and the consequences of their problems before you present your solution. Have you done your homework, you may find that a lot of people face the same kind of problem you have just identified.

What problems do you think your exercise in natural presence solve? Participate in the final Skype conversation for this e-course and share your thoughts.

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