måndag 15 december 2008

Present your "Recipe for nature experiences"

When you have identified enough participants for your Nature experience exercise, spend some time to present it. Here follows an example of a 9-hour Solo for a couple of Master Students at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University
The title, naturally, focus on what the exercise is about, as does the introductory image I found on Flickr´s Creative Commons (make sure you mention the source). In the introduction, I mention the purpose and who developed the exercise from the beginning (John P. Milton).
The program runs over two days. First, a preparatory evening for two hours. It begins with a 30-minute lecture in which the exercise is inserted into a larger context of releasing your inner potential, see Haanel in the section above. Then the whole group is led to a nearby park for a sensing exercise and a moment silence for 30 minutes at a selected location. The evening ends with a check-out and experience sharing.

The day after, the group is transported a location near the sea, but it could have been to any nature spot. To get into the mood, the group is walked in silence for 30-minutes, followed by a blind walk exercise, another sensing exercise before being placed out on their spot for a day in nature all be themselves with a lunch pack. Water and warm clothes they brought themselves, but nothing more. No books, paper, pen or radio for distraction. Nine hours later, we pick them up for an experience sharing session by the camp fire before returning them to Lund again. Do not forget to write a few words about how is leading the exercise. 

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